How to obtain an FSP qualification?
Psychologists who hold a diploma from a postgraduate course recognised by the FSP and who are members of the Federation can obtain a specialist qualification or an additional qualification certificate from the FSP. These have been widely recognised on the job market for several decades, and provide evidence of the holder’s specialist skills. FSP members who hold a qualification must complete 240 hours of continuing education over three years.

Kari Shea on Unsplash
Anyone who has successfully completed a postgraduate course accredited by the Swiss Confedera-tion is eligible for a federal postgraduate qualification in psychotherapy. This is awarded directly by the organisation responsible for the course. Holders of a postgraduate qualification in psychotherapy that was obtained abroad and is recognised as equivalent by the Federal Commission for Psychology Professions (PsyCo) may also use the title “Federally recognised psychologist”.
Psychotherapists who are members of the FSP may apply for the title of “Psychologist specialising in psychotherapy FSP” in addition to their federal postgraduate qualification. To do so, they must fill in the relevant form and return it with the required annexes.
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