The role of the FSP in postgraduate training in psychotherapy

The FSP submits applications for accreditation to the Confederation, monitors compliance with the criteria, reports any changes, promotes the quality assurance and development of postgraduate training courses, and guarantees the legal protection of trainees by taking decisions in line with PsyPA as well as providing an independent board of appeals. It also handles certain as-pects of administrative management (recognition of training units, admissions, examination results, etc.).
The FSP works with postgraduate training institutes to offer high-quality postgraduate training in psychotherapy that complies with legal requirements.
As the organisation responsible, the FSP uses the following instruments to ensure and further devel-op the quality of its postgraduate training courses in psychotherapy throughout the period covered by the accreditation:
Evaluation of the entire course and its modules by means of systematic student surveys dur-ing and at the end of the course
Annual quality events with all postgraduate training institutions for the purpose of exchang-ing information and experiences
Annual quality audits to ensure and further develop the quality of the postgraduate training programme
Provision of advice and support by the FSP to postgraduate training institutions on all matters relating to the scope of PsyPA
As the organisation responsible, the FSP takes decisions on the validation of prior learning and train-ing periods, admission to courses, examination results and the awarding of the federal postgraduate qualification in psychotherapy.
Postgraduate trainees who disagree with an FSP decision may lodge an appeal with the Board of Appeals of the Jurisdiction Commission within 30 days of being notified of the decision. All decisions contain an indication of the courses of action available, detailing who the appeal should be addressed to and in what format it should be delivered to the Board of Appeals.
Postgraduale Weiterbildung in Psychotherapie mit systemischem Schwerpunkt
Institut für Ökologisch-systemische Therapie (IÖST), Zürich
Postgraduale Weiterbildung Integrative Psychotherapie (Schweiz)
Stiftung Europäische Akademie für psychosoziale Gesundheit und Integrative Therapie SEAG (Schweiz), Rorschach
Formation postgrade en psychothérapie d'orientation systémique
Centre de Recherches Familiales et Systémiques (CERFASY), Neuchâtel
Formation Postgraduée en Psychothérapie Psychoanalytique de l’Arc Jurassien
Centre Neuchâtelois de Psychiatrie (CNP), Marin-Epagnier
Cursus de formation postgrade en psychothérapie systémique
Plateforme systémique Genevoise (PSGe), Genève
Specializzazione in psicoterapia sistemico relazionale
Scuola di Psicoterapia Sistemica Mara Selvini Palazzoli di Mendrisio