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About us

The FSP is the largest professional association of psychologists in Switzerland. The Board is the executive and strategic management body, while the General Secretariat is the operational center of the FSP.

The Committee

The Committee is the FSP's executive and strategic management body. The seven members of the FSP Committee represent psychology in all its diversity. They meet at regular intervals throughout the year to make strategic decisions concerning the FSP.
Current Committee members are (from left to right):
Hanspeter Gubelmann, Jacqueline Frossard, Andi Zemp, Stephan Wenger (Co-Chairman), Yvik Adler (Co-Chairwoman), Julien Perriard, Carola Smolenski.

General Secretariat

The General Secretariat is the FSP's operational center. It supports the governing bodies in implementing their decisions.

The current members of the Executive Board
Muriel Brinkrolf (Managing Director), Snezana Blickenstorfer (StV Managing Director; Finance and Legal), Cathy Maret (Professional Policy and Communication) and Jean-Baptiste Mauvais (Continuing Education and Training).