Formapsy - Your further training platform
Psychologists who are members of the FSP are required to complete further training. Formapsy collates suitable training courses - for not-members too.

Formapsy access costs
The platform is free to use for FSP members. Non-members must pay an annual fee of CHF 240.
Costs of applying for a certificate
An application for a certificate comprising only further training offers that are listed by the FSP costs CHF 80 for FSP members. An application for a certificate including further training offers not listed in the online calendar costs CHF 200. Non-members pay a fee per application of CHF 500 for the former and CHF 620 for the latter.
Costs of applying for a certificate
An application for a certificate comprising only further training offers that are listed by the FSP costs CHF 80 for FSP members. An application for a certificate including further training offers not listed in the online calendar costs CHF 200. Non-members pay a fee per application of CHF 500 for the former and CHF 620 for the latter.
It consists of 120 hours of training for psychologists and 240 hours for psychologists with an FSP specialist qualification, federal qualification or additional qualification. The training can be spread over three years. At least two types of training must be pursued to a similar extent.
A range of further training types are permitted, for example:
If you have any questions about Formapsy, you can find the contact details on this page.
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